
Make your PC faster and fix performance problems by implementing these awesome PC tips today!

9) Uninstall software you don’t use

You’ve probably installed PC software that you’ve only used once or twice. There’s nothing wrong with that – as long as you plan on using that software at some point in the future. However, if you don’t have a real use for the software, then you should probably just uninstall it. Uninstalling a few programs will free up hard drive space and performance power and may even reduce startup times. Since many PCs come preloaded with crappy software (‘crapware’) that you never use, most users can benefit from an uninstall spree.

8) Disable programs from your startup sequence


If you didn’t uninstall some programs in tip 9, then you may still want to disable them from starting up with your PC. Removing programs from your startup sequence can significantly reduce the time it takes for your PC to start up and it’s also a great way to eliminate the number of pop-ups you receive when you fire up your computer. To disable startup programs, simply type msconfig into your Start menu search bar and press Enter.

7) Run the built-in Windows Disk Cleanup tool

Every copy of Windows comes with a built-in Disk Cleanup tool. Yes, a lot of built-in Windows tools are not very useful, but Disk Cleanup is basically just a free version of CCleaner. With Disk Cleanup, you can instantly remove junk files from some of the most junk-ridden folders on your PC, including the temporary internet files folder, the setup log files folder, and dozens of others. A single scan can free up several gigabytes of space. Just search Disk Cleanup in the Windows Start menu search bar to find this helpful tool.

6) Download and install CCleaner


CCleaner is one of the world’s most popular PC cleaning tools. CCleaner is basically an expanded version of the Disk Cleanup tool mentioned above. Instead of cleaning out a dozen different parts of your PC, CCleaner can clean out hundreds of different parts of your PC. It’s a great way to root out pesky viruses that some antivirus software won’t pick up, and with a single scan, I’ve been able to free up over 10GB of space (especially if you only run it every few months or so). I highly recommend downloading CCleaner (it’s free).

5) Pay a visit to the Windows Action Center

Some of the best Windows tools are already installed on your system. Open the Windows Action Center by typing action center into the Start menu search bar. From here, you can view some of the recommended maintenance tasks that Windows wants you to perform. Some maintenance tasks aren’t really necessary – like downloading an update to add some obscure feature to a corner of Windows – but other maintenance tasks are totally important – like setting a backup or installing antivirus software. If you’re feeling generous, you can also use this tool to submit bug reports to Microsoft.

4) Clean out malware and other problems using PC Cleaner Pro

What have I done!?
If you’re reading the Fix My PC Free blog, then you’ve probably heard of – and maybe even downloaded – the powerful software known as PC Cleaner Pro. I won’t waste your time explaining this software any further, but suffice to say that PC Cleaner Pro is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve PC performance while also cleaning out malware. You can download it here.

3) Install more RAM

If you have fewer than 8GB of RAM, then you will likely notice a performance boost by installing an additional stick or two. In most cases, upgrading RAM is as easy as playing around with Lego. Just swap out your old sticks and replace them with new ones. The toughest part may be figuring out which RAM is compatible with your computer. If you don’t want to read through your computer’s user manual, then just search for your product number on Google followed by ‘RAM upgrade’ and you’ll find plenty of people who have attempted to do the same thing. Follow their steps and you’re set!

2) Install an SSD


SSDs are all the rage in the tech community today and more and more ‘average’ PC users are installing SSDs on their systems. Want to forget about loading screens when playing PC games? Install an SSD. Want your PC to start up in ten seconds? Install an SSD. SSDs use a totally new form of data storage that increases the rate at which your PC can access data (there are no moving parts or spinning discs in an SSD). Today, SSDs with over 100GB of space can be found for under $100.

1) Defragment your hard drive

disk defrag

Yes, this tip was true with Windows 95 and it’s certainly true with Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows XP. Defragmenting your hard drive (provided you don’t have an SSD) is an easy way to keep your files close together and easy to access. Fortunately, Windows 7 automatically defragments your hard drive on a regular basis (like when you’re asleep), which means your computer might already be 0% fragmented. I just checked my defragmentation schedule by typing Disk Defragmenter into the Windows search bar and it looks like Windows has automatically set my hard drive to defragment itself every Wednesday at 1:00AM. Thanks Windows!

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