Windows comes in two different versions: 32 bit and 64 bit. All recent Windows releases – including Windows 7 and Windows 8 – have offered 32 bit and 64 bit varieties.
But what’s the difference between the two? Is one better than the other? Should you install the 64 bit over the 32 bit version? Today, we’re going to answer all of those questions for you.

What do 32 bit and 64 bit mean?

The terms 32 bit and 64 bit refer to the way the CPU – your computer’s processor – understands information. 64 bit Windows uses RAM more efficiently, which tends to increase performance.

Pros and cons of installing 64 bit Windows

-Supports up to 64GB of RAM, as opposed to the measly 3.25GB supported by 32 bit Windows
-Some PC games today now require 64 bit operating systems
-Smoother overall performance
-Your 32-bit Windows license also lets you install the 64 bit version of Windows, so making the switch doesn’t cost anything
-64 bit systems can run both 32 bit software and 64 bit software

32 bit versus 64 bit

-64 bit Windows is a couple gigabytes larger than 32 bit Windows
-A few years ago, people had driver problems when switching to 64 bit Windows because not all software had been updated correctly; today, that’s not an issue as 64 bit is the norm, not the exception
-There are no other disadvantages to 64 bit Windows. Seriously!
64 bit Windows improves PC performance. Making the upgrade is free if you already own a 32 bit Windows key. If you want to use more than 3.25GB of RAM, then you need a 64 bit OS. It’s as simple as that.

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