
YahLover.worm Description

YahLover.worm virus pop-up means that your operating system is definitely infected with an adware-type of  virus and when such infection penetrates the system, it hijacks web browser and starts causing fake alerts right away. You should know that such alerts are the distinctive feature of a tech support scam.

Like the You Have A ZEUS Virus scam, the Windows Detected ZEUS Virus scam or Windows Defender Alert: Zeus Virus, this infection scam seeks only to scare you into thinking that your computer has been infected with the banking virus and that the only way to fix it is to dial a special number sent to you and reach for some “reputable” technicians as they claim, but in reality, the only ones that you can reach are scammers.
Take note that the titles of such fake alerts vary. However, the most popular ones are the RDN/YahLover.worm!055BCCAC9FEC infection and rdn/yahlover.worm 055bccac9fec infection notifications. They both suggest to dialing the said number 1-844-592-9882, 1-800-214-7440 or similar numbers to get technical help.
Indeed, those felons did a good job by forging a legitimate browser‘s alert. Interestingly, that phone number varies each time which primarily suggests the scale of this scam.
More than this, the scam may prevent you from leaving this page no matter what. However, you can do it so by cancelling it through choosing “Prevent this page from creating additional dialogues.” Then after that, we highly recommend you to get rid of the YahLover.worm fake alert and programs (which are obviously malware) which are related to it.
Despite its name which falsely claims to be such a  computer worm,  let’s assure you that it is just an adware containing the features of a tech support scam.
Recently, the tech support scams have become more active than ever before and there is no surprise what’s the reason. In the age of informational technologies especially in modern days, personal data has become one of the most valued things for everyone. The idea of losing it itself is definitely more terrifying than the fact itself. Likewise, such sentiments are the perfect inspiration resource for crooks and cyber criminals.
The creators of YahLover.worm have been trying to scare netizens with the virus they have created that’s infecting their systems and stealing personal information. If you are one of their victims, you should notice such misleading alert on your Safari or other web browsers you are using or opening.
Less proficient computer users might be horrified and terrified with such message and dash off to call the number given in the report the crooks sent. In cases like this, you can be easily tricked into losing hundreds of dollars for a supposed tech support.
If the scammer notices that the victim is inexperienced computer user, he/she usually attempt to connect to the system remotely and shows his competence by launching Command Prompt or Powershell applications. The users might fall into such scam and transfer the money for the supposed technical assistance that easily.
While some scammers remove the “virus” to withdraw pop-up from the infected computer, other felons leave a “farewell gift” – which are most likely ransomware or other virus. In this relevant to this, YahLover.worm infection scam may not behave so aggressively, but its presence should  absolutely not be ignored.

The distribution of this tech support scam

The majority of tech support scams are  distributed through corrupted websites and poorly protected web pages. Likewise, if you tend to download such programs and use ther services promoted in pirated and unsecured domains, you might be redirected to the website monitored by the online scammers, and then, enjoy the unpleasant effects of YahLover.worm hijack.
Good thing, this adware does not possess a sophisticated technical structure, so it will be not  as hard to deal with it. However, its termination process will require much of your attention.

How do you know the virus is removed?

There’s a reliable security software that can easily take care of YahLover.worm removal and all other types of viruses. Actually, you need to find all adware-type programs that could be relevant to this scam. So basically, you need to install one of tools that are given below and update it before you start system’s scan. The software usually takes from 5 to 20 minutes to totally scan the device and eliminate the YahLover.worm virus scam.
It is a modified adware, so we highly recommend thinking twice before using manual guidelines because it is not as easy as you thought. If you are willing to use them, it would be better that you combined manual and automatic removal options just to be sure.
YahLover.worm scam would definitely reminds you a general truth that your safety and the confidentiality of your data greatly depend on your awareness and cautiousness.
You can eliminate YahLover.worm automatically with a help of anti-malware programs like the SpyRemover Pro. We highly recommend this application because itcan easily delete potentially unwanted programs and viruses with all their files and registry entries that are related to them.

Use an anti-malware program

We recommend using SpyRemover Pro,  a highly effective and widely used malware removal program to clean your computer of YahLover.worm. In addition to YahLover.worm, this program can detect and remove the latest variants of other malware.
SpyRemover Pro has an intuitive user interface that is easy to use. To get rid of YahLover.worm, the first step is to install it, scan your computer, and remove the threat.
You can perform a full system scan through the recommended anti-malware tool SpyRemover Pro.

  1. Turn your PC on. Once it’s on, you  need to reboot
  2. Then, the BIOS screen will show up, however, if Windows pops up instead, you will need to  reboot your computer and try one more time. Once the BIOS screen is on, repeatedly press F8, to open the Advanced Option and shows up.

3. Use the arrow keys to navigate the Advanced Option and  then choose the Safe Mode with Networking then click it.
4. The Safe Mode with Networking will then be loaded.
5. Kindly press and hold both R key and Windows key together.

6. The Windows Run Box will appear if it is done correctly.
7.Type in explorer
There should be a single space  in between explorer and http. Hit OK.
8. There, appear a dialog box by Internet Explorer. Click Run to start downloading
SpyRemover Pro. It will automatically start the installation once it’s done downloading.

9. Simply launch the  SpyRemover Pro by clicking OK.
10. Hit  Run button to run  SpyRemover Pro and perform a full system scan thereafter.

  1. Once all the infection has been detected and identified, click REMOVE ALL.

12. Invest into the SpyRemover Pro program to further protect your computer from future threats.

“use a one click solution like SpyRemover Pro”


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