
Like it or not, Windows 8 is here to stay. And like it or not, you really shouldn’t use Windows XP after April 2014.
So what’s a lazy person like you to do? Upgrade to Windows 7 or Windows 8, of course! Are you looking for the quickest and simplest way to upgrade to a new operating system? Today, we’re going to show you exactly how to upgrade to Microsoft’s newest operating systems as easily as possible:

Windows 7 versus Windows 8

You don’t have to pick Windows 8. You can still buy Windows 7 for the next few months. Even after that, you should be able to buy copies and license keys at various retail outlets.
windows 7 windows 8
If you liked the clean, simple interface of Windows XP, then you’ll appreciate the clean, simple interface of Windows 7. If you want something new and different, then you’ll like the shakeup provided by Windows 8. Windows 8 has two different modes: desktop and Modern UI. Modern UI has the apps, while desktop mode looks just like Windows 7 and Windows 8 (minus the Start button, unfortunately).
Windows 7 should by your choice of operating system by default. So why would you consider buying Windows 8? Here are a few reasons:
-You use Windows Phone, or your workplace uses Windows Phone/Windows 8
-You use touchscreens or are planning to buy a touchscreen
There are really no other major reasons to choose Windows 8 over the proven track record of Windows 7. Ready to upgrade? Keep reading.

Buying a new PC versus upgrading your existing operating system

The easiest way to upgrade from Windows XP is to buy a new computer. If you haven’t upgraded your computer since Windows XP came out, then I’m impressed your computer is still working after over a decade of use!
But seriously, if your PC is over ten years old, then you’re due for an upgrade. Even the cheapest PCs today (under $300) will be faster than your ancient rig, so it’s worth a try.

windows 7 upgrade advisor

Reasons not to buy a PC:
-You’d rather spend $100 on an OS upgrade than $400+ on a brand new computer
-You don’t like any new tablets or laptops out there today
-You recently bought a new Windows XP and don’t want to buy a new computer
Have you decided whether you want to upgrade or buy a new computer? Good. If you want to buy a new PC, you can stop reading now and go to your local Best Buy or wherever you buy PCs. If you’re upgrading to a new operating system, on the other hand, then keep reading.

How to make sure your PC can handle Windows 7 or Windows 8

If your PC was built in the last 5 years, it should be able to handle Windows 7 or Windows 8. However, it never hurts to check – especially if your PC was built more than 4 years ago.
Fortunately, Microsoft makes it ridiculously easy to check PC compatibility. Just download the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor from here.
The Upgrade Advisor will determine whether or not your PC has enough RAM, processing power, and video memory to run Windows 7 or Windows 8.
If you are upgrading to Windows 8.1, on the other hand, you should click the Scan your computer option from the Windows Compatibility Center here:
compatibility center

How to upgrade to Windows 7 or Windows 8

So you chose to upgrade. Here’s how to quickly and easily do it with very little effort:
-Buy a new copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8: You can buy new copies of this operating system from any retail outlet. Go to Wal-Mart, a local electronics store, or shop online at Amazon. Everybody sells Windows operating systems.
-Backup all of your important data by storing it on a cloud service, external hard drive, USB drive, or any other storage system you use. Upgrading your OS will wipe out all this data so backup everything you want to keep.

windows 7 windows 8 1

-Once you’ve purchased a (hopefully) legal copy of Windows, then all you need to do is insert the disc into your PC, restart it, and follow the instructions on your screen. After about an hour, you should have a brand new operating system!
After April 7, 2014, you should absolutely not use Windows XP anymore. That’s the day Microsoft officially stops supporting the operating system, and that means hackers and malware makers will descend on the OS like locusts.
Remember: upgrading an operating system doesn’t have to take a long time. It shouldn’t take more than 2 hours – including the time it takes for you to walk to the store and buy it!

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