Thank you for choosing and downloading RESTORO, one-click solution for all of your PC issues.
Your download should have started automatically. If it did not, please click on the download button below.
File Size: 1MB
Requirements: Windows Vista, 7 (32/64 bit), 8 (32/64 bit), 10
Downloads: 839,184
Download Time: (dsl/cable: 3sec; dialup: 2min)
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Download and installation instructions:
- After download, click on the downloaded file link at bottom of your browser
- When prompted click on RUN to launch the installer
- Click on YES to allow the installer to make the required changes

Download and installation instructions:
- When prompted click on SAVE FILE to download the installer
- After download is completed click on upper right arrow in your browser to access file
- Click on YES to allow the installer to make the required changes

Download and installation instructions:
- Wait for file to be downloaded after pop up windows appears
- After download is finished click on RUN to launch the installer
- Click on YES to allow the installer to make the required changes