
Every time a new data leak is discovered, it’s interesting to see which passwords are the most common. Time and time again, the following passwords tend to be the most common:
-And other common terms
People who sign up for accounts and use these terms as a password are being wilfully stupid about computer security. In today’s day and age, a single password can give a hacker access to your bank account, Facebook, Twitter, and everything else you use to manage your life. All it takes is one lucky guess and that hacker will be able to ruin your day – and possibly your life.
But a more recent data leak revealed some password choices that have not been seen before. According to this article at PC, a recent data leak included these passwords among the top 25 choices:
If your password is one of the above names, then you should change it immediately. Now that hackers know these passwords are among the top 25 most commonly used terms in the world, it’s only a matter of time before somebody tries to gain access to your account.
Here is a complete list of the top 25 most common passwords in the world today:

Remember: a strong password shouldn’t be a word at all. Ideally, it’s a gibberish term that you (but no one else) can easily remember. That term will include numbers, special characters, and a mix of upper-case and lower-case letters. If you can do that, then your password is guaranteed to never appear on a list of the top 25 most common passwords (and it probably wouldn’t even show up on a list of the top one million most common passwords).
Oh, and whenever possible, use different passwords for different accounts. That way, if somebody hacks into your Twitter account and discovers your password, they won’t also be able to access your Facebook account, bank account, and anything else you use that password for.

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