
Your PC is an intricate machine filled with moving parts, circuit boards, and other stuff the average user doesn’t understand.
But all of that “stuff” is lying just beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered. Today, I’m going to share three free tools with you that let you take an intimate look at your PC’s deepest, darkest secrets.
Whether you’re looking for the temperature of your motherboard or interested in checking the fan speed of your GPU, these tools will help you do that:


Speccy is made by Piriform. You may recognize Piriform from its popular CCleaner software, which promises to clean up and speed up your PC for free.
Speccy, unlike other tech spec software, is surprisingly nice to look at. It features a simple UI and quickly scans your system for all relevant information. You can view detailed info about your OS, CPU, RAM, and motherboard, for example. You can check your audio drivers, look at the temperature of your hard drives, and identify network connections.


You can instantly view all of this information from the left-hand side of Speccy, where you can simply click on different sections to instantly view information.
It’s clean, easy-to-use, and offers valuable information about your computer that you can’t get from built-in Windows software.
Download Speccy for free from here.

Belarc Advisor

Belarc Advisor has a boring UI that makes it look more like accounting software than free PC software. Fortunately, this web-based program is far more valuable than it looks. Belarc Advisor will scan your system and create a detailed report about both your hardware and your software.
belarc advisor
The main benefit of using Belarc Advisor is that it identifies your product keys. Product keys can often be difficult to find after you’ve installed the software. And unless you have the original product disc or packaging, you may never be able to find the product key again.
With Belarc Advisor, finding the product keys of software you own is easy. It’s an easy solution if you lost your Windows key or need to find your Microsoft Office product key.
Download Belarc Advisor for free from here


HWMonitor, just like Belarc Advisor, has a boring and dated interface. But don’t let that interface dissuade you from using one of the most useful PC monitor tools available today.
HWMonitor clearly and simply displays technical information about your PC, including things you may not get with other software, like internal temperatures for all your hardware components with temperature sensors (including minimum, maximum, and current value).
One part of HWMonitor I particularly like, however, is its ability to tell you detailed information about your battery, which is very helpful if you’re using a laptop. You can view your total battery capacity as well as your designed battery capacity, which shows you how much your battery has worn down over the years.
You can download HWMonitor from here for free

Aren’t these programs hard to use?

No matter which program you choose, you should find all three of the above options very easy to use. They’re as easy as downloading an .exe file, walking through the installation process, and letting them scan your system to view critical information.


The technical information these software programs provide may look complicated and difficult, but their UIs are remarkably simple (even if they look a bit dated).
But here’s the thing: most of this software doesn’t let you change any of the information you see (not that you can change most of it). You’re simply viewing technical information about your PC that you wouldn’t normally be able to see while using Windows.
What I’m saying is: don’t be afraid to try any of the above software programs and learn more about your PC today.

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