
DriverAgent Plus  which is also known as DriverAgent Plus Ads,  Ads by DriverAgent Plus or DriverAgent Plus virus is an application, which usually appears on users’ systems as a drive-by install by some freeware product, bundled with some suspicious freeware. The DriverAgent Plus app claims to improve user’s browsing experience and promises to provide a better search engine, but malware analysts classified the DriverAgent Plus as a dangerous adware and/or a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP), because of the intrusive ads marketing meyhod where there is suspicious activity once installed  like collecting various private browsing data. Once installed, the DriverAgent Plus starts to generate all kinds of annoying ads and pop-up windows, making the web browsing almost impossible. The DriverAgent Plus Ads have being generated by an adware, which is primarily caused by a malicious browser extension, and is often downloaded from suspicious or even dangerous websites.
Though the DriverAgent Plus been called a virus would not be completely define it, it can still be listed as a potentially unwanted program due to the suspicious activities once it gets in your PC. However, this creation of, Inc,  is a system tool that basically scans your computer in search of the drivers which need to be updated. Yes, it seems like a useful application unless you try updating the drivers. To do just that, you will be asked to get the full version of DriverAgent Plus. And from that, you can’t be sure that it can fully fulfill its promises. It’s not even clear, whether the programs the drivers found out-of-date really need updating. It’s possibly one of the tricks to convince users into purchasing the full version of the program. This program’s functionality is questionable  because  the information about your driver status and new updates  are available on the official website of your hardware manufacturer. You should think wisely about whether you are willing to risk and  pay for additional services when it is not that difficult to find old drivers and update them yourself.

How to Uninstall DriverAgent Plus (a.k.a. DriverAgent Plus Ads) Manually

Uninstalling DriverAgent on Windows 10 or Windows 8

When you are using Windows 10 or 8, you can follow the steps below to remove DriverAgent Plus from your system. Simply follow the instructions given below.
Step 1) Right-click on the Windows icon or mainly the Start Button at the bottom left corner of the screen, then click Control Panel from the menu that pops up.

Step 2) Click Uninstall a program under Programs.

Step 3) Browse the list until you see DriverAgent Plus. Click the Uninstall button beside the entry to remove it once you see it.

Uninstalling DriverAgent Plus on Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows XP

If you’re using an older version of Windows, then you’re not immune from DriverAgent Plus. Below are the steps you can dollow to remove the software.
Step 1) Left-click the Start Button at the bottom left corner of your screen or the Windows icon then hit Control Panel.

Step 2) Under Programs, click Uninstall a program.

Step 3) Click Programs and Features. Find for DriverAgent Plus from the menu that shows up. Scan through the list until you see it, then get rid of  it.

Once you’ve removed DriverAgent Plus from your PC’s programs menu, there might still a need to eliminate it from each individual browser you use. Follow the  simple steps below.

Internet Explorer

Step 1) Open the browser IE and tap together the Alt+T keys  at the same time
Step 2) Press  Manage Add-ons, then click Toolbars and Extensions
Step 3) Find for DriverAgent Plus (a.k.a. DriverAgent Plus Ads) on your list of extensions, then remove it

Google Chrome

Step 1) Open the browser Chrome
Step 2) Hold together the Alt+F keys at the same time
Step 3) Click Tools, then click Extensions
Step 4) Look for DriverAgent Plus (a.k.a. DriverAgent Plus Ads) and hit the trash can icon to eliminate it from Chrome browser

Mozilla Firefox

Step 1) Open the brower Mozilla Firefox
Step 2) Tap together the Ctrl+Shift+A keys on your keyboard to open the Settings menu, then click Extensions
Step 3) Look for DriverAgent Plus (a.k.a. DriverAgent Plus Ads), then delete it
Don’t fret if you don’t see DriverAgent Plus in any of the above browsers, because that’s okay since the software is mostly desktop-based PC optimization software that has little effect on your browsers. However, you shouldn’t be too careless, it’s always a good idea to check to make sure.

Removing DriverAgent Plus (a.k.a. DriverAgent Plus Ads) with AdwCleaner

We highly recommend using AdwCleaner because it is one of the easiest virus removal programs we’ve used and tested. In under a minute, it can totally eliminate DriverAgent Plus from your PC. Simply follow the steps illustrated below for any version of Windows.
Step 1) To start with, click on this download link to download AdwCleaner from the official website: AdwCleaner Download (this opens a new browser window and then you can start the download process.

Step 2) Double-click on the installation file once done downloading (the file can be found be in your desktop or downloads folder)

Step 3) Open the software if it doesn’t open automatically, then click Scan

Step 4) Wait patiently for 3 to 5 minutes for the scan to be completed.

Step 5) After the scan is complete, AdwCleaner will exhibit a list of infected files that includes any files linked to DriverAgent. Save  it and close the documents, then allow the AdwCleaner tp restart your PC to complete the removal.
However, we understand that some users  still want to use this tool, despite for the fact that this program’s sudden appearance on your computer may be concerning or alarming at some point, we again emphasize that it is not a virus, and that you shouldn’t panic. You can use it for your purposes if you like to. Besides, you can still remove DriverAgent Plus if it does not satisfy your expectations or is not fulfilling its promises. If you are having doubts about your computer’s safety and security, you always run a scan of your system using some reputable anti-malware software or opt to remove it instead. You can remove the program if you want to, and since it is not a virus, the DriverAgent Plus removal process is rather simple.

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